Piknik People – Guide to Everyday Adventures
By Mari Savio and Joonas Luotonen
Cozy Publisihing 2021
Piknik People is your guide to picnics, treks and exciting mini adventures. The book provides simple, illustrated instructions for outdoor furniture and equipment that will elevate the experience to a whole new level. Piknik People offers tips for remote working with a twist, throwing a party in an abandoned space and hosting a carnival in a nearby meadow.
Make your life an adventure!
A guidebook to taking action
Piknik People has 168 pages of inspirational photography, tips, and stories that encourage you to design and improve your own everyday environment and experiences.
Picnic gear that you can make
Picnic People includes a DIY collection of outdoor furniture and other projects that you can make with few basic tools. The illustrated instructions guide you through step by step.
Eight fantastic picnics
Piknik People takes you to an outdoor library, a snowy sketchbooking session, and to other small adventures that you can recreate near your home.
Piknik People -kirja on ilmestynyt!
Piknik People pursuilee idoita, ohjeita ja kuvia siitä, kuinka oma arki muutetaan seikkailuksi. Kirjassa on DIY-ohjeita kalusteisiin, retkivarusteisiin ja resepteihin. Cozy Publishing julkaisee kirjan suomeksi ja englanniksi.
RATIA X Piknik People collaboration
We collaborated with RATIA brand on a collection of comfortable clothes for women and kids. Available now!